Bringing the power of SiteGrinder 3 to WordPress, the SG3xpress Photoshop to WordPress plugin, targets designers creating WordPress themes using Photoshop, with SiteGrinder’s layer naming system and layercomps designating parts of a Photoshop design that have special roles to play in WordPress — such as pages — making theme development easy and fast.
SG3xpress can customize posts through Photoshop text controls or the SiteGrinder 3 Design Manager, with total control over comment appearance and threading. Features such as different styles for even- and odd-numbered comments and thread levels, plus unique text, border, and background styling for the different parts of the comments area, are through CSS.
Additionally, users can control the look and feel of WordPress menu trees for multi-level menu navigation, and the appearance and position of sidebars on single and multiple post pages, with graphical borders and backgrounds, plus support for many common widgets.