The common theme to their post, is that .XXX would be useful to block the porn sites, whether visually, in seeing .XXX, or filtering software.
I personally believe that websites should be blocked if the adult or child doesn't want to see it. Including at offices, where the company tries to block porn.
I know many paysites who have customers who view from work, and having corporate blockage would hurt some what in revenue, but those businesses do have a right to block.
So the flipside to this whole story, is that .XXX is voluntary.
So anyone who gets a .XXX domain is "voluntarily" allowing themselves to be blocked.
I fully support ASACP's RTA voluntary labelling at and yes, this too can be used to filter, as it was designed to do.
So while I think .XXX in general is a bad idea, those that rush to register your .xxx domains are clearly in support of being blocked and filtered.
Many will come to the conclusion to just not use the .XXX domain and keep their .coms
This is the equivalent to collecting stamps, and you'll be stuck paying your yearly porn tax for those domains.
.XXX is damned if you do and damned if you don't, and like with lawsuits where the attorneys are the ones that win out, ICM will be the one that wins out in the end.
So for those that supported this effort in the beginning, hope you can understand what you have created.
Fight the unintended consequences!