I've noticed a change occurring over the last year or so on the Web: More and more mainstream sites are employing consoles as a means of increasing advertising revenues. This staple of adult Web advertising is becoming more prevalant, and one of the most prolific offenders is x10.com – whose wireless video camera ads appear everywhere these days – or so it seems. Why are these ads so common? Because they work! Here's how to make them work for you…
While surfers universally despise them, consoles are a proven moneymaker. For those who do not know what a "console" is, they are (usually) little pop-up windows that display advertising offers on a web page. Launched through the use of simple JavaScript, consoles can be easily added to any web page. One thing to keep in mind when using consoles – especially the more "advanced" versions – is that since they are implemented using JavaScript, their performance can often be "unpredictable." Netscape in particular seems to choke on a lot of consoles.
Before beginning, I should tell you that excessive use – or misuse – of consoles will only alienate surfers, and keep your page from getting listed on most link lists, top lists, and TGP's, and that their use often violates a sponsor's terms and conditions. Like many other JavaScript "bells and whistles," a little goes a long way when using consoles, and the worst thing that you can do is endlessly loop them in an effort to circle-jerk the viewer. That being said, when used properly, consoles are just too effective to be ignored.
Competent Console Codes
In this tutorial I will present three basic types of consoles: "Enter," "Exit," and "Stealth." While these consoles all perform basically the same function, providing you with another chance to turn your prospect into a customer, their design and deployment varies with their application.
OnEnter Consoles are generally designed to "pop" when a surfer first enters your site, in an effort to send him straight to your sponsor before he consumes your precious bandwidth. Insert this code in between your <HEAD></HEAD> tags, changing the URL and dimensions as needed:
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
OnExit Consoles generally pop when the surfer leaves your site, providing you with one last chance to make a sale. This is the most common use of a console. Their use is more complex, involving the <BODY> tag as well as "no-pop" code in the appropriate links as needed:
<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
var goback=true;
function exit()
if (goback)
<BODY OnUnload="exit()">
<!-- Insert this into links you don't want to pop on:
OnClick="goback=false" For example: -->
<A href="no-pop.htm" OnClick="goback=false">NO POP</A>
Stealth Consoles are one of my favorites. Generally popping when the surfer enters your site...
Stealth Consoles are one of my favorites. Generally popping when the surfer enters your site, they "hide" behind the main window, and are usually only visible once the main window is closed. Insert this code in between your <HEAD></HEAD> tags, changing the URL as needed:
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
if (window.focus) {
window.focus(); }
You will notice my use of the words "generally" and "usually" in the above descriptions. This is due to the often unpredictable results that browsers such as Netscape deliver when rendering simple JavaScript commands. Still, these bad boys are effective; try them for yourself and see!