Need a reminder to schedule that next content update or advertising creative swap? Perhaps you want your site reviewer to check out a new URL, or maybe you found some new <head> code and want to note it for inclusion in your next update? Whatever the task at hand, jotting it down on a post-it note or relying on an email or ICQ message to assign the task is a poor substitute for a better solution.
Authored by Thomas Genin, WP-Task-Manager adds a small task manager to the WordPress administration panel that enables task self-scheduling as well as assignments for selected other site users.
The current version offers a WordPress Dashboard Widget that provides a snapshot view of assigned tasks, as well as a page displaying all tasks, their completion status and their assignees. Authorized users may create tasks for themselves or for other participants, as a permission system provides various levels of operator access privileges — such as limiting the deletion of tasks to the lead administrator, while allowing other admins, editors and authors to view, post and edit tasks. Users are also able to comment on and discuss each assigned task — allowing for the detailed exploration of in-depth processes, status updates and more.
This plugin is actively under development, with version 2.0 expected shortly.
While dedicated, standalone task management software exists; being able to manage the process from within the administration area of the website that those tasks specifically relate to, has some major benefits; allowing users to run their WordPress-powered sites more smoothly and efficiently. Webmasters may download WP-Task-Manager free.