Articles by Lisa Briggs
Centered on Adult
America has become an e-commerce culture, and nowhere has there been more of a recent demand for secure, swift and scalable electronic payment processing than in the adult industry. One of the leading providers of fully integrated e-commerce solutions is DHD Media.
From Punk to Spunk
Youth is wasted on the young — or is it? In the case of one burgeoning businesswoman, nothing about her is going to waste. Punker Barbie is her name, and affiliate websites are her game.
The Rise of Girl Power: 2
In part one, we began our look at how more producers are embracing art-centric products. In this conclusion, we'll look at changes in profession, the younger segment and beyond.
The Rise of Girl Power: 1
Back in the 1980s, a few savvy filmmakers recognized that a non-male-oriented adult entertainment audience existed. This niche market needed different language, different packaging and a completely different approach that didn't sacrifice heat, talent or production quality.
A Primer on Partnerships: 2
In part one, we began our look at the dynamics of successful partnerships. In this conclusion, we'll continue our look:
A Primer on Partnerships: 1
Chemistry. It is either the key to success or the critical element that throws caution to the wind in a relationship. When addressing a business pairing, it can be defined more in terms of cohesiveness and corporate compatibility than just simple basic animal attraction.