Articles by George Hanson


Executive Seat: Richard Arnold — Purely Professional

Who do you call when you want to take your already successful adult franchise to the next level? Who has the brains, the brawn and the right names in the Rolodex to give you global reach for exploiting existing opportunities, not to mention creating new ones?

George Hanson ·

Executive Seat: Smashing Through Walls

Most people would get a major headache. A big one! But Smash Pictures Vice President Stuart Wall seems to thrive on the pressures of being in charge of that same company’s sales and production departments. Wall meticulously oversees everything from a movie’s inception, to its distribution on a worldwide basis. A unique position, especially considering the fact that his boss, Dan Quinn — the owner/CEO of Smash — is located 3,000 miles away in Connecticut.

George Hanson ·