Michael Stefano's 'Black Girl Addiction' Streets Today
Director-performer Michael Stefano has teamed with Hush Hush Entertainment’s Bone Digital Studio to release "Black Girl Addiction," featuring Hydie Waters. The video streets today.
Digital Playground Releases Robby D's 'Ass Addiction 3'
Digital Playground has released "Ass Addiction 3." Directed by Robby D for his Handheld Pictures label, "Ass Addiction 3" features Lacey Maguire, Kristina Rose, Aubrey Addams, Jenny Hendrix, Alexis Texas and Brianna Love.
China Opens ‘Internet Addiction’ Camp
In an attempt to curb the trend of “Internet addiction” in young people, China will open an experimental summer camp to treat children who abuse online games and Internet pornography.
Christian Poll: Female Porn Addiction on Rise
An article posted on the states that according to a poll taken at a Christian website, female “porn addiction” is becoming more prevalent, with one in five women responded that they struggle with porn viewing on a regular basis.
Doctors Say Video Gaming Not an Addiction
At last week’s annual meeting of the American Medical Association, doctors reconsidered a proposal to classify Internet/video gaming addiction as a specific mental illness.
American Medical Association to Vote on Online Gaming Addiction
At next week’s meeting of the American Medical Association in Chicago, delegates will vote on a recommendation that “Internet/video-gaming addiction” be categorized as a formal diagnosis. This is a step toward legitimizing the behavior as a mental disorder with its own criteria for diagnosis and treatment.
Antiporn Activist Says Porn Addiction Drove Virginia Tech Killings
Dr. Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education and noted antiporn activist, has made a statement linking the Virginia Tech killings to an addiction to porn and devastating influence by what she calls "erototoxins."
Man Claims Internet Chatroom Addiction in Dispute Against IBM
A man suing IBM for wrongful termination has said that his use of Internet chatrooms is a disability — not unlike drug and alcohol addiction — and that IBM’s decision to fire him for visiting adult chatrooms while at work violates the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).
Oprah Examines Porn Addiction
The Nov. 30 episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” is scheduled to examine the width, breadth and girth of America’s so-called “porn addiction,” which the show’s promoters describe as “the biggest addiction in this country.”
WebMD Weighs in on ‘Porn Addiction’ Debate
WebMD, publisher of a popular website and magazine covering a broad range of medical issues, recently surveyed a number of psychologists hoping to clarify the long-running debate over whether pornography can be considered addictive.
Lifetime Movie Looks at Teen Porn ‘Addiction’
Lifetime Television for Women, the network responsible for such classics as “Co-Ed Call Girl” and “Amy Fisher: My Story,” will next take on the issue of teens who can’t stop looking at online porn.
Free Speech Coalition Tackles Porn Addiction
In an effort to provide an opportunity for both sides on the issue to be heard, Free Speech Coalition (FSC) will present a public Community Forum on the topic, "Today's Porn: Entertainment or Addiction?"
FSC Forum On Porn "Addiction"
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) will present a public Community Forum on the topic, "Today's Porn: Entertainment or Addiction?" on Monday, April 18, from 6:00 to 8:30 PM at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento.
Congressional Panel to Look at Porn Addiction
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), who has been on the conservative forefront in battles against obscenity, has called a hearing on Capitol Hill that is focused on why people get addicted to pornography.
Online Sex Addiction for Women Increases, Study Says
Women are becoming more addicted to Internet sex than ever before, states recent academic research from a London-based firm. Titled "Sex Addiction and Women," the study attributes this growth to the widespread availability of porn and other sex-related sites on the Internet.
Internet Fueling Sex Addiction, Say Doctors
With an estimated half-million New Yorkers allegedly suffering from the "disease" of sexual addiction, Dr. Sharon O'Hara of the National Council on Sex Addiction and Compulsivity has issued some grim warnings about the pitfalls of surfing the web.