Want to pump up your penis? Well, the Size Up Trigger Penis Pump just may be the product for you. What I like about this penis pump it is an all-in-one set. And yes, I used penis pumps in the past where additional pieces had to be bought separately. This pump comes with three silicone cock rings, a travel bag and a tape measure just in case you want to measure your progress. This pump was very sturdy and easy to use. Some penis pumps can be complicated, so if you're a beginner, I would recommend this product. Once you place your penis inside the cylinder and start pumping, you immediately notice the vacuum seal, and your cock starts to get lager. The quick release allows you to quickly release the pressure and pull the cylinder off once you have your desired length. Did I mention that this product comes with a travel bag as well, which is good for storing your product discretely? Note to penis owners that are sex workers: This is something to keep in your arsenal.
This Trigger Penis Pump is the ultimate, complete set for men who are serious about improving their results. The simple and compact design makes it easy to use, and the trigger-grip allows for pressure release at the pull of the trigger. This pump will give you maximum control and deliver results. This Pump also comes with an array of accessories.