News & Articles
6657 results:

Dev Depot: LiveWeave.com, A Real-time Editor for Web Designers

There are many web development tools available today to suit a range of needs, from full-fledged website construction, to simply creating and testing a new module or code snippet without jeopardizing a production site.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Core of Content Creativity

Although the topics of innovation and technology are often intermingled, they are not the same: one is more a matter of technique and presentation, while the other centers on the processes and tools.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Industry Outlook: Ask The Lawyers

The legal trends we will most likely see in 2014 will focus on the shift in adult entertainment from professional porn stars to webcam models, escorts and amateur models.

Rhett Pardon ·

Some Consolidation for Dating Sector

Dating is already showing signs of an interesting year online in 2014. As the number and kind of niche specific dating sites continues to grow exponentially, within each niche there does appear to be some consolidation as categories becoming more clearly defined and the audience of each develops its own set of expectations.

Stewart Tongue ·

Traffic Equation: It’s Just Arithmetic

Looking forward to 2014, traffic trends emerge from two central points of view, often with significant overlap among them. On the one hand there is a strong consensus that mobile will become increasingly dominant, in terms of raw numbers and in terms of conversion ratios when compared to traditional traffic.

Stewart Tongue ·

Continued Growth for Mobile Sector

2013 went down in history as a year in which the mobile sector grew increasingly important for the adult entertainment industry, and that importance is likely to grow in 2014. That is not to say that the consumption of erotica on desktops will cease altogether in the new year: some consumers of adult content might prefer their desktops, and some might use both desktops and mobile devices.

Alex Henderson ·

Dev Depot: WebMatrix 3, Web Development Goes On Fast Track

Rarely built on static HTML, websites today often require a range of technologies that are difficult and time consuming to integrate. Fortunately, a selection of tools is available to smooth over the rough spots and make development much easier than before.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Smooth Sailing for the Webcam Market

Many who look at the webcam business think they have a good grasp on it and expect only small changes in the near future, but several insiders were willing to point out some significant new perspectives that are already taking shape and will likely flourish as 2014 moves along.

Stewart Tongue ·

XBIZ Summit to Debut 'Traffic Rush Hour' Meet-Up Session

XBIZ is pleased to introduce a new traffic-focused event at XBIZ Summit with the addition of the Traffic Rush Hour networking session.


New Year Yields New Ideas for Studios

What does the New Year have in store for the creators and distributors of adult video? Will it be more of what worked for them in 2013? Or will there be new lines and innovations to look forward to? We asked a sampling of studios and producers what they had in store for consumers in 2014 and came up with some intriguing answers.

Jared Rutter ·

Micro-Payments May Swing Into Action

As technology and content continue to evolve in the adult entertainment industry, so does adult billing. And in 2014, mobile growth, micro-payments and online security measures are among the adult billing trends to watch out for.

Alex Henderson ·

Subscription Paysites: Doomed or Doable?

As widespread revenue declines have gripped the adult Internet’s paysite sector over the last several years, the future viability of the adult subscription site business model has come into question. Many once-thriving affiliate programs have either folded up their tent or have been snatched up by larger, financially healthier competitors who were in strategic acquisition mode at the time.

Q. Boyer ·

Growth, Expansion and Renewal With Four Top Retailers

With a new year upon us — and the possibilities and challenges that come with it — it’s always instructive to hear what leading companies and key brands have up their sleeve for the initial weeks and months of the year. Is expansion and aggressive marketing in the cards for the first quarter of 2014, or are companies scaling back and seeking stability more than growth?

Q. Boyer ·

XBIZ, FSC Members Attend the Dirty, Sexy Policy Conference

Free Speech Coalition Board Chair Jeffrey Douglas and CEO Diane Duke will attend and speak at the Sexy, Dirty Policy Conference, held by the Carsey-Wolfe Center at UCSB, today through tomorrow.

Dev Depot: HTML5 Shiv, Backwards Compatibility

Of all the current coding technologies holding the most promise for the future, HTML5 leads the way — but despite its potential, many developers shy away from upgrading their infrastructure to HTML5 — often using the excuse of incompatibility with older browsers to cover for an unwillingness to adapt or to learn new techniques.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Pleasure Products: The Year Ahead

The new year is always a time for celebration, but California Exotic Novelties has a little extra reason to party in 2014 as it marks its 20th anniversary. What better way to get started than with a new line from a reality television veteran, a venture leaked on TMZ?

Dan Cameron ·

XBIZ Retreat Returns to Miami, May 12-16

Set against the ultra-luxurious tropical paradise of Miami, the invitation-only, exclusive XBIZ Retreat returns May 12-16 as the retail industry’s most celebrated and anticipated summit of high-ranking adult executives ever assembled in one, all-inclusive and incomparable event.


Core Product, or Loss Leader?

Since re-joining the ranks of the self-employed back in June, I’ve been spending a lot of time talking with adult business owners about the state of the market, and more to the point, the state of their own enterprises.

Q. Boyer ·

Bathmate Scores XBIZ Specialty Pleasure Product of the Year

U.K.-based Bathmate has announced its excitement over winning XBIZ Specialty Pleasure Product of the Year for its Hydromax patented penis pump, after just ten months in the USA.

Dev Depot: Ghost, Open Source Blog Publishing

Calling itself “a beautifully designed platform dedicated to one thing: Publishing,” Ghost is an Open Source application that allows users to easily create and publish a blog, with tools that make it fun to do. “It’s simple, elegant, and designed so that you can spend less time making your blog work and more time blogging.”

Stephen Yagielowicz ·