War On Porn

News & Articles
720 results:

Utah Legislator Behind Anti-Porn Bill Once Penned Defense of Homophobic Speech

Brady Brammer, the Utah legislator who is sponsoring the current bill that would force all "obscene material" distributed in the state, including via the internet, to attach an unnecessary and unconstitutional warning that the material "may damage or negatively impact minors," authored a 2006 essay arguing for the equivalence of gay rights speech and religiously inspired homophobic speech, and asking for the latter to be protected.

Canadian MP Laurel Collins Speaks About Advocating for Consensual Sex Work

An interview with Canadian MP Laurel Collins, spotlighting consensual sex work, has been published by online adult entertainment guide Slixa.

Questions from Appeals Judges Reveal Anti-Porn Prejudice in Copyright Infringement Ruling

Several questions posed by judges at a D.C. Court of Appeals hearing last Friday — concerning the right of Strike 3 Holdings to obtain the names of people they believe to be infringing their copyrights via Bit Torrent — challenged a lower court's decision against the adult production company by pointing to language that appears to indicate bias against pornographic content.

New Bipartisan Bill Directly Threatens Section 230 of Communications Decency Act

Free speech advocates, tech lobbyists, civil liberties groups and others are raising the alarm about legislation unveiled Thursday, intended to combat "online sexual abuse of children," that threatens Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which protects tech companies from liability for content posted by users of their websites or platforms.

NPR: 'Sex Worker Permit' Bill Sponsor Doubles Down, Invokes 'Human Trafficking'

The public radio news-commentary show "AirTalk," produced by NPR's Southern California affiliate KPCC, presented a segment this morning concerning the controversial "Sex Worker Permit" state bill, AB2389, introduced by Assemblyperson Cristina Garcia last month.

Virginia ABC News Affiliate Endorses Local Cop's Unusual Anti-Porn Seminar

The Lynchburg, Virginia local ABC affiliate, WSET, owned by the Sinclair Broadcast Group, published last week a "Porn Addiction" report riddled with War On Porn propaganda, an endorsement of the discredited theories of pseudoscientific website Fight the New Drug and a promotional plug for a local policeman, Sgt. Anders, and his self-designed "workshops on the dangers of pornography."

Thailand Arrest Spotlights Serious Issues With Shooting Self-Produced Content Abroad

The recent arrest and public shaming of an American man and his Hungarian partner in Thailand for "overstaying in the country, publishing pornography and working without a permit" sheds a spotlight on a little-talked-about issue among self-producers: the dangers of shooting pornography while traveling as a tourist.

California Legislator Publishes Amendments to Controversial 'Sex Worker Permit' Bill

The California Legislature has just published the amendments drafted by Assemblymember Cristina Gonzalez to the controversial AB2389, known as the "Sex Worker Permit" bill.

Ohio Pastor Claims 'Pornography' Is Not in the Bible, But 'Human Trafficking' Is

Answering a reader question asking "What does the Bible say about pornography?," Pastor Adrienne Greene of Harrison, Ohio, acknowledged that although "the exact word is not found in scripture," the devil, "generation after generation, repackages and sells the same forbidden sex-practices God spoke about to Moses: homosexuality, incest, human trafficking and predatory abuses toward children and beasts."

Florida Congressional Candidate Running on 'Eradication of Porn'

Congressional candidate Jessi Melton, a Republican from Boca Raton, Florida, has announced she is running on an "eradication of porn" platform.

Salt Lake Tribune Condemns Adult Content Warning Label

The Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board has condemned the state legislature’s proposed warning label for all adult content as “a cheap way out.”

Mississippi Seeks to Form Cabal of Southern States to Ban Porn

The State of Mississippi is the latest casualty in the fight for free expression as its House of Representatives attempts to rally fellow southern strongholds into forming a cabal to “take on the porn industry.”

Report: Apple Blocks 'Asian,' 'Teen' Searches Over Porn Fears

Apple is now blocking searches on innocuous terms including “Asian” and “teen,” apparently in the belief that only those seeking pornography would search these keywords.

An XBIZ Explainer: Here's What You Need to Know About AB2389

Yesterday evening, the sex worker community became aware that California Assemblymember Cristina Garcia had quietly introduced a new bill, AB2389, proposing a "state permit" system for anyone it classified as an "adult performer."

APAG's 'Mother Union' Drafted Controversial 'Sex Worker Permit' State Bill

The Adult Performers Actors Guild (APAG) has called for the resignation of the board of their own "mother union," the International Entertainment Adult Union (IEAU) following the revelation to XBIZ by the office of Assemblymember Cristina Garcia that the controversial California bill AB2389 introduced yesterday was "brought to them" by the IEAU.

Utah Statehouse Passes Adult Content Warning Label Legislation

The Utah legislature passed a bill on Tuesday to put warning labels on pornography, bringing immediate condemnation from the Free Speech Coalition.

This Is How Google News Helps Spread Misinformation (About Porn)

A week ago, an XBIZ report debunked a propaganda news release disseminated by anti-porn activist organization NCOSE (formerly known — before a deceptive rebranding — as Morality in Media) claiming that United Airlines had caved under the pressure of one of their campaigns and had decided to "combat rising in-flight porn use."

Leading Conservative Magazine Questions Ability of 'Young Women' to Consent to Sex Work

Leading conservative magazine National Review today published a column questioning the ability of 'young women' to consent to sex work.

GOP Legislators in South Dakota Hijack 'Revenge Porn' Bill to Demand Broad Censorship

A state representative in South Dakota introduced a bizarre bill last Thursday that attempts to create a loophole to censor sexual expression while avoiding the obvious First Amendment issues.

Report: Religious, Moral Beliefs Increase Fears of 'Porn Addiction'

A recent report by the American Psychological Association reveals how some people are led to believe that they are “addicted” to pornography despite having low or average occurrences of viewing porn.