A Nevada County Commission which has jurisdiction over the legal brothels nearest to Las Vegas has drafted proposed changes to the county code, which include officially discarding the stigmatizing term “prostitutes” in ordinances in favor of “courtesans” and reclassifying “houses of prostitution” as “brothels.”
Love Ranch brothel sex workers and support staff blasted Nye County’s Board of Commissioners at its biweekly meeting yesterday, urging the board to unrevoke Dennis Hof’s brothel license or face legal consequences.
Dennis Hof, who operates seven legal brothels in Nevada, has waged another legal battle against Nye County and its leaders after his Love Ranch cat house was shut down by the sheriff.
Opponents of legalized prostitution in Nye County, Nev., failed by Friday's deadline to turn in the required 1,963 signatures to place a referendum on the November ballot to eliminate the county’s brothels.
A commissioner in Nye County, Nev., last week said she is proposing an initiative for the November ballot that seeks to outlaw legal prostitution and throw five brothels out of the county.
The legal brothel and sex resort Sheri’s Ranch, based in Pahrump, Nye County west of Las Vegas, and Nye County Commissioner Dan Schinhofen are working together to develop 100 acres of existing land owned by Sheri’s Ranch.