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FSC Introduces 'No on Measure B Campaign' Committee Staff

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) introduced the “No on Measure B Campaign Committee” campaign staff today.

FSC Summit Website Launches

Free Speech Coalition on Monday announced the FSC Summit website has been launched.

FSC Clarifies CDC, FDA and APHSS Standards for HIV, Syphilis

The Free Speech Coalition and APHSS have issued comments to clarify the choice of the Trep-Sure syphilis test, as well as industry testing for HIV.

Nica Noelle: The Curious Case of Mr. Marcus

Adult film director and writer Nica Noelle recounts with Mr. Marcus what he was thinking at the time and what he realized in retrospect after he became the focal point of a recent syphilis outbreak in the porn-performer community.

Budapest Porn-Performer Moratorium Extended to Sept. 3

The adult production community in Budapest has extended its voluntary moratorium on shooting films through Sept. 3 due to the recent local syphilis outbreak among performers.

FSC's Duke, Cachapero on 'Inside the Industry' Wednesday Evening

"Inside The Industry" this week will feature Diane Duke and Joanne Cachapero from the Free Speech Coalition as guests.

FSC Calls for Temporary Moratorium on Porn Productions

A performer who tested positive for syphilis has been in touch with the Free Speech Coalition and is meeting with FSC’s medical professionals to begin partner identification, evaluation and treatment, the organization announced Saturday.

Adult Retailers Are on the Frontline of Fighting for Free Expression and Privacy!

Adult retailers confront a number of challenges in their ability to provide products to their customers. Many local municipalities have zoning laws that make it difficult for adult businesses to find a location to set up shop. Once their stores are open, adult retailers have to contend with restrictions on the ratio of adult products sold, the type of products sold and much more. Believe it or not, it is still illegal to sell products designed to “stimulate genitalia” in some Southern states. And it is not just various governments that threaten adult retailers, some adult businesses get dropped by their bank or insurance company when the institution finds out that the retailer sells adult products.

Diane Duke ·

FSC Teams With XBIZ for First-Ever FSC Summit Conference and Awards

The Free Speech Coalition and XBIZ on Wednesday announced plans to join forces for the first-ever FSC Summit Conference and Awards Show on Friday, Nov. 9, at the Sofitel Hotel in Los Angeles.

Health Investigators Would Conduct Condom Checks Under Plan

If Los Angeles County voters approve the porn-condom ballot measure slated for November, investigators from the Public Health department would be trained and deployed to conduct random condom and permit checks to ensure compliance.

Manwin to Donate $50K Monthly for APHSS Performer Testing

Adult entertainment conglomerate Manwin and industry trade group Free Speech Coalition today said that they will start up next month a "Performer Subsidy Fund" to subsidize talent testing.

L.A. County Supervisors Vote to Allow Porn-Condom Ballot Measure

Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted today to green light the porn-condom initiative petition that would make rubbers mandatory at shoots within the county.

L.A. Supervisors Slate Tuesday Porn-Condom Discussion

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has slated a vote to certify signatures for the porn-condom initiative petition that would make rubbers mandatory at porn shoots within the county.

FSC: Duke Voices Industry Concerns in D.C.

Late May, I spent a couple of days in D.C. bringing adult industry concerns to our elected officials and regulatory experts. Topping the list of topics covered was copyright infringement, the 2257 record-keeping law and concern over the push for mandatory condom regulation. I met with both Republicans and Democrats, educating them on how the aforementioned issues negatively impact our industry. I reminded these officials that the adult entertainment industry goes a long way in providing living wages for hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens and hundreds of millions in tax dollars to the U.S. economy.

Diane Duke ·