Directed by Jay Woefel, "Live Evil" is set in a contemporary world where vampires are having trouble surviving because the blood supply is polluted by drugs and STDs. The vampires also are opposed by a samurai sword-wielding vampire-killing priest played by Tim Thomerson. The film features Ken Foree as a blood pusher who has the answer to what "Live Evil" is truly about.
"It's a twisty, violent, bloody, dangerous and sometimes darkly absurd journey into a unique take on the world of bloodsuckers," according to press information for the film.
Hendrix began her adult career in 2004 at age 18 and has been nominated for several adult awards, including "Orgasmic Oralist" at the X-Rated Critics Organization. Hendrix also has done mainstream modeling for Hawaiian Tropic and Rockstar Energy Drink. She is recording tracks for an upcoming music album and is preparing a new website at
"Live Evil" will have its world premiere Thursday at the Valley Film Festival in North Hollywood, Calif.