On the blog, Giovanni posts photos and details about her experiences in places ranging from the highlands of Peru to a Massai tribal village in east Africa. Giovanni said she got the idea to do the blog at a show in New York during May and it launched on Booble in early July.
“I got to a lot of shows and people always ask me ‘Where have you been and where are you going next,’” Giovanni told XBIZ. “It came from all that.”
Founder, Booble Bob, who came up with the idea for the blog with Giovanni and Lori Z of the Adult Broker, said that the blog’s creation was a bit of serendipity.
“We were all just sitting at a table talking about Aria’s travels and all of a sudden it just came to us,” he said.
Since its July launch, Giovanni has updated the blog with a total of 10 different location entries, including more than 100 photos — which she takes herself — of all the picturesque locations she has traveled to.
Giovanni said that most of the entries she’s posted so far are from the traveling she does for her own leisure and that she doesn’t do any of the traveling specifically for the blog. The locations she travels to vary in their purpose; everything from conventions, to shoots, to the urge to “just go see somewhere different” can propel her to the airport, but with a bit of trepidation.
“I’m actually afraid of flying,” Giovanni said. “I’m afraid of takeoff and landing, I don’t enjoy that part, but I’m fine once the plane is in the air. I do really enjoy being in new places, and takeoff and landing are a part of that.”
Booble Bob said his favorite part of the blog is working with Giovanni. “She’s just so bright and charming,” Booble Bob said. “She’s a pleasure to work with because she’s such a self starter and so determined.”
Giovanni also seems determined to get her feet on as much of the world’s soil as possible. The starlet said that while she’s got plenty of plans to hit warm, tropical destinations, the place she’s most looking forward to visiting is the icy continent of Antarctica.
“It’s extreme and it’s something completely different,” Giovanni said of the trip. “Going to Antarctica is one of those situations where I can say I’ve hit all seven continents.”
She’s planning to take the trip to Antarctica in about a month, and in the meantime she’ll be doing even more flying to far off locations. “Today I’ll be getting on my 50th flight for this year,” she said. “I have to take two today, so that will actually be 51.”
Fans of Aria Giovanni can find out just where she’ll be next by checking out the blog at Booble.com/aria .