Directed by Celeste, the movie follows Katsuni's dirty thoughts revolving around illicit domination, playful whippings, plastic wrap, S&M leather masks and restraints.
"People are often surprised out how much female influence there is on our movies," said Digital Playground CEO Samantha Lewis. "There's always been a perception that girls are not into the same hard and dirty things that guys are into, but time and again, Digital Playground's films bust that myth."
"Minx" features an entirely brunette cast, including Micah Moore, Paola Rey, Alexis Love, Maya Gates and Brandi Edwards in threeways, boy/girl and anal scenes.
"Minx" includes a behind-the-scenes featurette, a slideshow, photo gallery and trailers. It is presented in 16:9 widescreen format with 5.1 digital surround sound and no regional coding.
The trailer for "Minx" on DVD can be viewed here. The trailer for the Blu-ray release may be viewed here.