A18 (or Anime 18) creates the Japanese animation series "Angel Blade," "Blood Shadow" and "Nighshift Nurses," among others.
The pay-per-minute model of Internet distribution is picking up converts recently, attracting consumers who prefer not to pay for entire scenes or movies when, according to webmasters, the average stay on an adult website is less than ten minutes. San Fernando Valley studio Sin City recently has added a PPM option.
"Internet pay-per-minute will allow us to introduce our programs to new audiences and fans," said Henry Lai, president of A18 Corporation.
"The deal was inked two weeks ago, and the A18 content should be up on our sites by Friday," James Siebert told XBiz. Siebert is the Business Director of National A-1 Internet, which owns HotMovies, its Hentai-only site HentaiVOD.com and its non-adult counterpart, VOD.com.
VOD.com has recently added Central Park Media's "Geobreeders," "Maze" and "Zero Woman" to its roster of nonadult Japanese animation.