"Twink" is directed by Alex De Large and features performers Pablo Monterro, Gabriel Diniz, Guto Santos, Daniel Maia, Thiago Castro, Heitor Mattos, Fabio Costa, Roberto Gaucho, Mauro Reis and Junior Gaucho. There are five scenes total.
“His First Twink shows you young, slim bodies and big, juicy dicks, along with these insatiable young assholes,” said Hustler sales manager Michael Glaser. “What these twinks do to each other is unbelievable. If you love your twink films, 'His First Twink' should be added to your collection.”
"His First Twink" is in stores now.
For sales inquiries, contact David Diamond at ddiamond@lfp.com or Michael Glaser at mglaser@lfp.com or call (818) 249-3523.