The story focuses on Shigeo Tokuda, 74, who is retired, lives with his wife and a daughter in downtown Tokyo, and has a secret life as a porn performer, having appeared in some 350 productions in the last 14 years. He maintains that his wife and daughter don’t know about the porn, and "Shigeo Tokuda" is a pseudonym. In a recent series of videos, he plays an elderly gentleman who instructs women in matters of sexuality.
Tokuda said that his videos appeal to an older audience.
"Elderly people don't identify with school dramas," he said. "It's easier for them to relate to older men and daughters-in-law series, so they tend to watch adult videos with older people in them."
Time also reports that a trend toward "mature women" in adult video has become evident in Japan over the past five years. Currently, about 300 of the 1,000 adult videos on offer at one video store chain, and 400 out of the 2,000 at another, are "mature women" films.
Ryuichi Kadowaki, director of Ruby Inc., which specializes in "mature women" titles, said, "Adult videos with young actresses sell well only in the first three months after the release. On the other hand, 'mature women' films enjoy a steady, long-term popularity, which after 10 years or so might lead to a best-seller. In the view of the aging society, I think that in the future we will see a steady increase in demand."
The entire article is available here.