Directed by Victor Maytland, “Forest Seduction” (aka “Guardianes del Bosque”) stars Sasha Smith, Monella, Marilyn Russel and others.
“Smith is unforgettable as the slutty fiancé who simply cannot be satisfied with one cock, and gets what’s coming to her,” a Cine X Latino representative said. “With stellar performances by Monella and Russel, ‘Forest Seduction’ will put camping in a whole new sexual light for horny rangers everywhere.
“For fans of quality blowjobs,” the rep continued, “this movie features one of the most mesmerizing cocksucking competitions ever caught on tape.”
For more information, contact Angelica Pizano at (704) 529-1600, ext. 158 or email .
For information on Cine X Latino, visit its website.