“Brotherhood,” directed by Jerry Douglas and “Paradise Found,” directed by Kristofer Weston, received the bulk of those nominations, a COLT spokesperson said.
Ever since the award-winning Buckshot feature “BuckleRoos,” Buckshot has been synonymous with great plots and believable storylines with men and boys that fit the build for all men to desire.
“This is proven once again this year with nods for Best Screenplay for both ‘Brotherhood’ (Jerry Douglas) and ‘Paradise Found’ (Matt Corbett),” a spokesperson said.
“You like me, you really, really like me,” Kristofer Weston joked. “Seriously, though — it is a huge honor for your work to be acknowledged by your peers in this way. I’ve done many storyline-driven movies before, but this one is truly special because of all the dynamic actors in it and the fabulous Hawaiian location.
“We always enjoy this fun-filled time for all in Chicago,” Weston said. “And we look forward to going to the Grabby Awards Show in May.”
“Paradise Found” and “Brotherhood” can both be seen on VOD here .
For more information on COLT Studio Group titles, visit COLTpromo.com .
For a list of Grabby nominees, visit the Grabby site .