"We developed this flash player to provide our webmasters a new and refreshing way to promote our sites," CECash director of operations Ardy told XBIZ. " It is very easy to use and will go through many changes and improvements in the months to come."
The Daily Flash player will rotate through five new one-minute video clips every day and can be added to webmaster sites by copying and pasting a small IFrame include code. The player also features a viral send-to-a-friend connector that encourages surfers to distribute links, which will have the CECash affiliate linking code embedded.
Currently, webmasters can use the Flash player to promote any of CECash's five HD free trial tours. The new player is the latest addition to the promo tools available in the affiliate interface.
CECash also offers $30 pay per sign up on every free trial. $55 pay per signup, dynamic banners, continuous new galleries, new CEMags and AllAccesPass pay per email programs, a new affiliate stats system and top level customer service.
For more information, visit the CECsh website or email ardy@cecash.com or ray@cecash.com.