“We have been very successful with assisting U.S and Canada-based adult companies with new employee placement that we decided to offer the same services to European companies as well”, said Eddie Kreider, SVP of Marketing for X Industry Jobs.
X Industry Jobs has decided to offer its services over seas due to the substantial increase in resumes submitted by adult job-hunters based in Europe, and the number of Adult European companies that have inquired about our services, as well. Starting this year, X Industry Jobs will also establish more of a presence at adult shows in Europe to further build upon those relationships.
XIndustryJobs.com is the adult industry's first online recruiting website. The site features a system for identifying, interviewing and verifying candidates for a company's hiring process, which aims to provide satisfying matches for admin, marketing and technical positions.
Employers looking to fill positions should contact: eddie@xindustryjobs.com. Job seekers can send their resume in confidence to recruiter@xindustryjobs.com