The “Ass Fucked” series, directed by Jim Powers, includes performances by Katja Kassin, Trina Michaels, Hillary Scott, Melissa Lauren and Sierra Sinn.
Mayhem is planning to release one new collectors edition box set each month, each following a specific niche.
December’s four-pack is “Juggernauts” in the big tits genre. Big-boobed all-stars Brandy Talore, Gianna, Sara Jay, Jada Fire, Davia Ardell are featured in the first four volumes of the series.
Each four-pack comes in a booklet-style keepsake DVD case, which is slightly thicker than a standard DVD package.
“We’re always looking for new and innovative ways of doing business,” Mayhem’s National Sales Manager Brett Reisner said. “Whether it’s pushing the ‘creative envelope,’ or launching a novel sales promotion, Mayhem is consistently at the forefront. With a compilation of amazing performers, we anticipate each four-pack to be well received. In fact, our preliminary feedback leads us to believe that these collectors editions will be a hit.”
To order, call Reisner at (818) 407-9990 ext. 122, or email at