The fetish items are colored pink and sky blue instead of the more-traditional black, and are often made from polyethylene rather than leather or PVC. The line also includes glass dildos and vibrators.
“The concept is fresh, first and foremost. We have not seen a lot of adult products that are tastefully marketed to young women, and we feel that’s important to them," PHS Sales and Marketing Manager Michael Merrill said.
"Many young women enjoy adult toys and products, but are turned off by the blatant and distasteful styles, packaging and overall presentation of such items currently on the market. The Fresh line is about making sex fun, not scary. The entire line is highly coordinated as a group, yet each item can also stand alone, many as fashion accessories and even club wear.”
Detailing on the items includes quality stitching, fastening and comfort-backing on restraints, collars and blindfolds and intricate braiding on crops and whips.
The packaging also is aimed at the target market.
“Our signature colors … are vibrant and fashionable, which we feel potential female consumers will happily embrace in a market flooded with hardcore black leather and traditional bondage colors,” Merrill said. “It is done in a way that complements [the younger consumer's] already sassy, bold and sexy style. It is also easily washable for use after use, and the packaging is eye-catching, fun and attractive to the buyer.”
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