The company said the giveaway bone a light and good-humored spoof on the adult industry’s expressions of bone, boning and boner.
The campaign includes print, electronic ads and banners that will display pictures of bones with suggestive text. The company said that it will not directly use foul words or phrases to insult or offend anybody, although the campaign may spark the creative mind. Various industry-specific conferences and events have been selected to target merchants, webmasters, affiliate groups and the dog-lovers among them.
The bones made of rubber carry the 2000Charge logo and are included in the bags handed out during registration.
“I am sure that all those creative minds out there will have a variety of their own ideas how they interpret the message,” a company spokesperson said. “We expect to receive comments, but that is the whole idea behind advertising; to stand out from the rest.”
The campaign is designed to draw attention to new and existing clients, and to show that the company is still very active in the adult online market space. The ads will have an underlying theme to address the alternative solutions that 2000Charge is providing to the industry.