TopBucks now offers webmasters over 5800 static hosted galleries to choose from, with a plethora of linking options, along with 6 descriptions to choose from for each gallery.
"Webmasters don’t want to spend a lot of time generating link codes and writing gallery descriptions," said Lea Busick, TopBucks’ Director of Marketing. "With our new system of generating the gallery links, they get the full ball of wax in one package. It’s a very convenient tool for TGP owners, in particular, because it enables them to create links to week’s worth of galleries with very little fuss."
In addition to the new gallery descriptions, webmasters can also generate a downloadable text file of galleries with direct to join page links, console free tour links, randomized tours (cycles through the available front ends for each site), and randomize the gallery styles used.
For more information, please visit