“This is a very exciting opportunity for us to reach a large mainstream audience in a very intense way,” said Kat Sunlove, who is executive director of the adult industry’s trade organization. “This is the most viewed video billboard in the country.”
Sunlove added, “The 10-second video must be dramatic, impactful and have a strong First Amendment message.” It also must promote the FSC and bear the coalition’s logo.
The jumbotron ad only cost the coalition a few hundred dollars. The rare opportunity is thanks to the quick-witted actions of Jeffrey Douglas. In addition to serving as FSC’s chairman of the board, Douglas is a member of KCRW, a Santa Monica-based National Public Radio station.
Douglas volunteered for KCRW’s recent pledge drive, and noticed that one of the promotions being offered was airtime on the Sunset Boulevard Sony Videotron Billboard. As a volunteer, Douglas wasn’t allowed to seek the promo until it was announced on the air.
After conferring with Sunlove, Douglas received approval to pursue the jumbotron option. Once KCRW broadcast the promo, Douglas was the first caller with a pledge, and he won the screen time. All this took place in one day.
Earlier in the summer, a print billboard that was suggestive of oral sex was removed from Sunset Strip. Douglas told XBiz, “The rules are set by the billboard company. There will be no nudity in FSC’s message,” said Douglas, who is a Santa Monica-based criminal defense attorney.
Douglas, who is a staunch free expression champion, said he does not expect any negative repercussions from the FSC’s use of the jumbotron. “This has nothing to do with NPR. Sony provided the promotion to KCRW,” said Douglas.
The FSC chairman went on to say, “This is an opportunity for adult filmmakers to show that they can be creative beyond sex. The message will be about freedom of speech.”
Sunlove said that the coalition is holding a contest for the videographer who will create the message used by the FSC. Producers, directors and other artists will compete to win $500, plus an autographed copy of Larry Flynt’s new book, “Sex Lies and Politics: The Naked Truth.”
The five judges who will select the winning message will be adult entertainment professionals. However, entries are not limited to the adult industry. Applicants must provide their 10 second submissions in VHS or DVD format, accompanied by a $25 non-refundable entry fee no later than Sept. 10. Douglas said that the FSC message is expected to appear on the Sunset Strip Sony Videotron Billboard in October.
In other Free Speech Coalition news, Sunlove said that it appears as if the trade organization’s quest for a permanent executive director may be coming to an end soon. After considering hundreds of applicants, “the board expects to interview four finalists by the end of August. [The new executive director] should be onboard by the end of September,” Sunlove stated.