Titled "Private Stars," the 10-episode series follows the lives of five male porn newcomers slated against five professional porn starlets. The five rookies and five veterans share a house under 24-hour surveillance by television cameras, and in each 30-minute episode, directors and the five women judge the progress, performance, personality and action of the five male contestants.
Over the course of the series one male wannabe porn star is voted out of the house until a final winner is determined.
According to a Private Media spokesperson, the winner is then given the opportunity to star in one of Private's adult movies.
Private Stars will air on Bravo in the United Kingdom, and is co-produced with Giant Film & TV. A debut date is set for Aug. 16.
"The reality show format is a proven formula in today's television landscape," said Berth Milton, president of Private Media. " While this type of formula often features strong elements of sex, Private Stars is the real thing and will attract significant audience attention through its upfront presentation of the subject that is ultimately the biggest interest generator in reality TV."
In May of this year, Private Media regained control of its Internet division, Private.com to return the unit to a higher profit margin. The publicly traded company, which is half owned by Milton, replaced its former Internet provider with Bangkok-based URL-Group.
Private Media publishes magazines and distributes DVDs and videos throughout 35 countries. Its publications include "Private," "Private Sex," and "Triple X." The company also claims to own the worldwide rights to the largest archive of adult content in the world.
Shares of Private Media were last traded at $2.24.