Presented as a new concept in online gay porn movie reviews, the site offers text-based reviews of video and DVD releases as well as streaming video featuring company founder Mark Kliem and Lex Kyler as they review two gay porn flicks each week and show clips.
Both a webmaster affiliate program and a rapidly growing gay video archive, features a console of the previous two episodes of "Reel Guys Reviews on Video" which can be downloaded for free by users. Or for more access, users can join the VIP Room at for a complete archive of shows.
According to Kliem, the new site was created to help all levels of gay porn fans wade through the overwhelming amount of gay porn content and videos currently on the market.
Kliem told XBiz that since the site's soft-launch last summer, he has so far compiled more than 31 review episodes that are available via a searchable database. The list will continue to grow as Kliem and Kyler choose movies from various niches as well as best sellers from the top studios with famous porn stars.
"Lex and I especially enjoy movies with plots because it gives us more opportunity to come up with goofy comedy bits," said Kliem. "It’s the 'Siskel and Ebert' of gay porn movies. We review a couple of movies in each episode and show little video clips. We never say anything negative about the movies or the stars, but we’re always looking for ways to get a laugh. I like to think of it as a comedy show with porn reviews, rather than the other way around."
A complete video cast list is provided in the written review section, as well as the production studio, director, and box cover picture to make it easier to reference the video.
Users can also order the video directly from on the website. Or through alliances with,, and, users can view content by the minute, by the scene, by the entire movie, or in the film's entirety for a monthly fee.
Kliem said his reason for launching the gay review site was to come up with an affiliate program that would stand out from all the rest.
"The site serves multiple purposes," Kliem told XBiz. "It’s a win-win situation for everyone. Surfers get a fun show and come back each week to see a new episode, webmasters get repeat visitors and earn money on the upsell, and studios get free publicity for their movies."
According to Kliem, shows are streamed in Quicktime, which makes the content more accessible to a wider audience of users. There is also a free plug-in available to adult webmasters.
Kliem added that over time, as the success of "ReelGuys Reviews" grows, he hopes to start selling commercial spots during the show.
"The Internet is now well-established as the primary venue for accessing adult movies, whether it’s ordering DVDs to be shipped from an online store or watching an entire movie streamed to your computer," said Kliem. " was set up as one-stop shopping for a horny guy to get right to the good stuff."