The Australian Broadcasting Authority and the Australian Communications Authority are trying to find ways to restrict to those under 18.
The porn video images will be available in Australia on next-generation cell phones later this year.
Costing about 57 cents (U.S.) a call, access to the images will be available to users of mobile phones that can play videos by simply dialing a number. They also will receive live sports, news and provide access to chat rooms.
Blocks can be put on mobile phones to stop children accessing certain services but communications experts admit such measures are not foolproof.
More than 60 percent of school-aged children have access to a mobile phone, according to the authorities.
In the United States, Las Vegas-based XTCMobile will launch the first adult mobile TV network on wireless phones in two weeks.
XTCMobile initially will broadcast three adult channels to Internet-ready wireless phones offering both video and audio on a subscription basis.
The company gave the service a beta testing in the first two months of the year, offering adult video on the Sprint PCS network. Like the Internet, Sprint's open-architecture system allows companies not affiliated with Sprint to offer services on the company's network.
With the $7.99-a-month service, XTCMobile plans to use adult video content from Los Angeles-based Wicked Pictures.