WASSERBILLIG, Luxembourg – The pjur group is producing a sample box, the Bestseller Try It Kit, designed to entice retailers and to re-introduce the company’s products. The kits will be unveiled at trade show eroFame next month.
"In line with its annual campaign bearing the motto, ‘pjur love – gives you more,’ the pjur group is now offering extra-special sales support for vendors in erotic stores who are still unfamiliar with (our) bestselling products," a company rep said.
The sample kits will contain four lubricants: pjur Original, pjur Backdoor Anal Silicone, pjur Med Repair Glide and pjur Woman Nude. The bottles are 10-milliliter miniatures, designed to replicate their larger, 100-milliliter cousins.
Additionally, the kits will contain detailed product information and an exclusive pjur Original refrigerator magnet.
"This gives vendors in erotic stores the chance to try some of pjur’s most popular products themselves and experience the quality and added value firsthand,” said Michael Bart, pjur’s Head of Global Marketing and Online Marketing.
Attendees of eroFame will have the chance to examine the sample kits, where a small number will be available for distribution. They will ship in Europe after the trade show; the kits for U.S. distribution are still in production and are expected to ship by the end of the month.
"Any retailer or employee interested in receiving a kit should contact our sales team," Bart said. "The number of kits is limited. We therefore recommend that you request your personal kit soon, as this is a one-off, free sales support. At pjur, we don’t just talk about premium quality, we let vendors experience it for themselves, so they can share their experiences with customers and give them even better advice.”
Find pjur online and follow the company on Twitter and Instagram.