LOS ANGELES — Following the release by TrafficForce of VAST in-stream ad channels, the company is revealing that internal data shows the new feature is proving to be even more profitable for marketers with mobile device traffic.
“This new class of ads is ‘skippable’ and modifiable by the publisher, which enables mobile traffic to reach content cleanly without popunders or other distractions, while simultaneously improving ad revenue for advertisers,” Ross from TrafficForce.com explains. “The metrics we are seeing from our own internal testing and the feedback we are getting from our clients shows that this approach is working well on desktop but is even more effective when it comes to mobile traffic offers.”
Ross says better click-through ratios (CTR), stronger time on site and bounce rate metrics all dovetail together beautifully as consumers get a better user experience and are more willing to voluntarily engage with quality ads included in their player.
“It’s important to note that TrafficForce is standing on the shoulders of companies like Google, by providing the same sorts of ads offered via YouTube, which provides clients with the best possible safe harbor scenario for their own sites,” Ross notes. “When you advertise the way Google does, you get the added benefit of being free from any penalties or prohibitions because Google can’t act like you aren’t following advertising best practices if you are actually following their own methodology.”
“As accepted methods of advertising narrow, staying ROI positive requires everyone to be creative while also being compliant,” Ross concludes. “TrafficForce takes our role in protecting our clients and improving their profits seriously.”
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