LOS ANGELES — Dominic Ford has announced the addition of a range of new features to JustFor.Fans.
According to Ford, the Explore and New Previews sections offer members the ability to discover new models to follow by showing who has recently updated their pages, and by letting all users view free movie previews (which the system auto-generates).
“Our cross-selling pages increase memberships [by] 30 percent, and models are finding that being on our platform nets them more subscribers than they could have gotten just from their direct social media traffic,” Ford explains. “We track the source of all joins, and the success rate of these ‘explore’ features are incredible.”
Ford says the site has also added major affiliates to its platform, who are sending traffic to JustFor.Fans and reaping the benefits.
“Because this platform was developed with our industry in mind, we built affiliates into the system,” Ford says, “and they are finally able to profit off of user-generated content like never before.”
The site also now includes a store where models can attach products to a video that will appear anywhere the video appears, and on the model’s store page. Models can also sell video downloads of their movies and choose whether the movies should be available exclusively to their subscribers or to everyone across the entire platform.
“Our first month saw tremendous growth, and our new store and video download areas give our models even more ways to earn additional revenue,” Ford concludes, hinting at the future. “We also have a few major features coming soon that will further empower our models to earn a sustainable living from recurring subscriptions and sales of their products.”
For more information, click here.