Directed by Tina Tyler, “SuperWhores 9” stars Kitty Langdon, Brooklyn Night, Max Mikita, Kyanna Lee, Kara Nox and Strokahantas and male performers Jerry, Jean Claude Batiste and Mercenary owner Lexington Steele.
"This is an action-packed volume of ‘SuperWhores,’ with the ladies living up to the title and going above and beyond my expectations," said Tyler, who also directs the “Black Moon Risin',” “Fresh Out the Box” and “IronHead” series. "All six of the girls in the title have never worked with Lex before and they all did a beautiful job.”
"Like her time in front of the camera, Tina is a master of delivering the goods for the fans as a director," Steele said. "She contributes immensely to Mercenary, and because of her past work as a performer, she knows how to bring the most out of the women cast in her movies.”
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