The film stars Priva, Yoko Sunn, Nikki Rider, Cathy Caro, Judith Fox, Tera Bond and Roxy. Directed by Milk, the seven-scene “X-Girls” was shot on-location in scenic Budapest, Hungary.
Betrothed with special powers, each X-Girl is committed to fighting for goodness, freedom and the satisfaction of her own boundless and otherworldly libido, the company said.
As distributor Pure Play Media’s sales manager Bill Rix explains, X-Girls has bestseller written all over it.
“This is simple math. Compelling concept, brand-name recognition, great special effects plus Priva,” said Bill Rix, sales manager at Pure Play Media, the distributor of the movie. “X-Girls is another slam-dunk for Private, an instant classic; and we expect it to fly right off the shelves.”
Email Bill Rix at or call (866) 820-3000, x223.