The program features "Vice & Consent," a 2006 documentary directed by Howard Scott Warshaw, and "The Line Between," a fiction short directed by Jonathan Marten. "Vice & Consent" features participation by prominent members of the BDSM community including Midori, Jay Wiseman, Janet Hardy and Michael Blue, who "help shatter some popular myths about BDSM practice and its practitioners, looking instead at the gifts of intimacy that lie within," according to Cinekink. "Vice & Consent" won a Cinekink Audience Choice Award for Best Documentary in 2006. "The Line Between" is a fictional short subject about a young woman who is pulled into a BDSM video, moving from voyeur to participant.
A beer and pizza reception follows the screening for all ticket holders.
The Pioneer Theater is at 155 E. Third Street, at Avenue A, in New York. Admission is $10; $6 for seniors and students; 18 or over only.
For information and tickets, click here.