PRAGUE — BelAmi has announced the release of "Last Summer in Greece Part 8."
"Last Summer in Greece" takes place on the Greek island of Mykonos, where Helmut Huxley, Jerome Exupery and Hoyt Kogan portray three vacationing youths who encounter a group of other youths played by Marc Ruffalo, Roald Ekberg, Marcel Gassion, Adam Archuleta, Brian Jovovich and Robin Michaux.
The seventh installment, which released last week, left off in the midst of another threeway on the idyllic Mykonos. "Last Summer in Greece Part 8" picks up from there, with sailor Torsten Ullman reversing roles by taking his turn topping BelAmi stars Huxley and Exupery.
BelAmi is also offering a scene featuring the studio's very own Josh Elliot and Johnny Surabaya, who meet at a postcard stand and then cruise around Mykonos together tourist-style. After taking in the views, Elliot takes in Surabaya over and over in an outdoor sex scene, which is now remastered and playing at for the first time in 10 years.