"This is an absolutely wonderful decision," adult attorney Robert Apgood told XBIZ.
Apgood also said he's sure someone will try to resurrect the issue in the future, but doesn't see it going far.
"Why would ICANN change its decision now?" he said. "They already said, 'No, we don't buy it.'"
ICANN's final vote was 9-5 in favor of rejecting ICM's proposal, and ICANN Board Chair Vinton Cerf said that the board would not consider another proposal for a .XXX sponsored top level domain.
The Free Speech Coalition sent out a statement immediately following the .XXX announcement to express its support of ICANN's decision, and to emphasize the affect that the adult industry's unity on the issue had on the final decision.
"This process demonstrates the power of the collective voice of the industry," FSC Chair Jeffrey Douglas said. "We of the Free Speech Coalition are proud to embody that voice. Together we can accomplish extraordinary things."
FSC Executive Director Diane Duke said the organization's presence at the conference was a direct result of membership support and what the industry can accomplish when it comes together.
"When we come together to tell the truth about our industry as a healthy, vital, positive component of today's business community, we have a powerful voice," Duke said. "Thank you to all who supported us in this endeavor."
The .XXX proposal would have allowed ICM Registry to oversee Internet content and conduct, which ICANN members said was inconsistent with ICANN's technical mandate.
"The ICM Application raises significant law enforcement compliance issues because of countries' varying law relating to content and practices that define the nature of the application, therefore obligating ICANN to acquire a responsibility related to content and conduct," according to ICANN's board meeting minutes.
ICM President Stuart Lawley, however, is not pleased with ICANN's decision.
"We are extremely disappointed by the board's action today," Lawley told XBIZ. "It is not supportable for any of the reasons articulated by the , ignores the rules ICANN itself adopted for the request for proposal and makes a mockery of ICANN's bylaws prohibition of unjustifiable discriminatory treatment."
Lawley concluded by assuring ICM will not let the matter die, and said he plans to take legal action.
"Not least to protect the integrity of the ICANN process, ICM Registry will pursue this matter energetically," Lawley said.