LOS ANGELES — Chaturbate announced that it will be lending its support to Amber Rose’s Slut Walk set to begin at Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles at 12 p.m. on Oct. 3.
“It is important that we all work together to end sexual violence,” COO Shirley Lara said. “Chaturbate is happy to lend a hand in helping to stop gender inequality.”
Fans who aren’t able to attend the event are encouraged to Break-the-Net by posting a “Slut Selfie” at 3 p.m. PDT of the same day. The selfie will say “NO MORE” to victim blaming, derogatory labels, and slut shaming.
The organizers explained that the Walks were created in 2011 as a means of protesting against rape culture after an officer commented that “women should avoid dressing like sluts” in order to avoid sexual assault. In response, Amber Rose and her team joined the worldwide movement that aims to fight against sexual injustice, victim blaming, derogatory labeling and gender inequality.
Using the following tags supporters can help bring awareness: #AmberRoseSlutWalk #MuvasMovement #BreakTheNet.
For more information about Amber Rose’s Slut Walk and to RSVP, visit AmberRoseSlutWalk.com.