LOS ANGELES — ICM Registry’s Steve Winyard will hold an XBIZ.net “Ask Me Anything” session on Monday.
XBIZ.net’s new AMA series is designed to educate the community and serve as a platform enabling the B2B social media site’s members learn from industry leaders and each other.
Winyard, vice president of the registry that markets and manages the top-level domains .xxx, .adult, .porn and the upcoming .sex, told XBIZ that when approached about an AMA, he thought it was a great idea and jumped at it.
“I'm a big fan of the XBIZ forums and often find many topics relevant and interesting,” Winyard said. “I'm happy to take questions on anything.
“As the front man for ICM, it sure is an interesting place to be, and will welcome any questions on our TLDs, the launch of .sex in September, premium names and sales, U.K. government issues on age verification and the 1,000 TLDs now available.”