Station program manager Wankus has organized a fundraising drive to aid the uninsured Hunter via a text message promotion. All the proceeds from the sent texts will help Hunter with medical bills.
Recently diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoma, adult star Nicki Hunter is undergoing chemotherapy at a southern California hospital. The ensuing treatment is a grueling and painful process that could go on for months, Wankus said.
In order to defray the costs of Hunter’s continued treatment and hospitalization, has teamed up with Smart SMS to donate 99 cents per text message sent to a promotional KSEXRadio account.
The KSEXRadio text account provided by Smart SMS is designed for contests and giveaways. The revenue from text activity is shared between KSEX, Smart SMS and the phone company that offers the platform, but both companies have agreed to donate their entire commissions from every “get well” text message Hunter receives for the next 30 days.
“Nicki is a former KSEXRadio host whom the staff and fans absolutely adore,” Wankus said. “She’s intelligent, motivated, hard working, a proud wife, proud mother and the glass is always full no matter how many times you try to pick it up and throw it at her.”
To send Hunter a “get well” message and a contribution to her recovery efforts, text message the number 54015, type KSEX in the body and follow the prompts.
“We have the most envied careers, some of the best jobs in the world,” Wankus said. “No matter what we’re all dealing with on a daily basis in our own crazy worlds, our sister, our co-worker and our friend is going through worse. Let’s show her how we can all bond together, fight with her and get her back in our lives.”