LONDON — Charlotte Rose, the organizer of the mass face-sitting protest outside Parliament in December, is planning another demonstration.
The second porn protest will be held in Manchester on Sunday, March 1, at noon. A location has yet to be confirmed.
The protest focuses on “new sexist laws” that take aim at female pleasure,” Rose said on Facebook in reference to the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014, which requires video-on-demand online porn operators adhere to the same guidelines laid out for DVD sex shop-type porn by the British Board of Film Censors (BBFC).
Just last week, U.K. VOD regulator ATVOD disclosed new proposed rules in response to legislative changes with Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014, including the new Rule 14 that outlaws VOD websites from containing "prohibited material," content that would be denied a BBFC certificate.
“While the measures won't stop people from watching whatever genre of porn they desire, as video shot abroad can still be viewed, they do impose severe restrictions on content created in the U.K., and appear to make no distinction between consensual and non-consensual practices between adults,” Rose, a sex worker and trainer, wrote on Facebook.
In December, Rose told Sky News that participation at the first protest by those from the adult entertainment industry, as well as from the supporting public, was much stronger than expected.
"This is just the beginning,” Rose said at the time. “At the end of the day nobody has the right to censor us without our consent."