SAN FRANCISCO — Pink & White Productions announced the newest addition to its fair-trade video-on-demand hub, New porn studio Clever Girl Pictures, directed by Evie Eliot, premieres with its debut film, “Twitterbating.”
Clever Girl's tagline "unhurried states of arousal" reflects the company's interest in what's been identified as the "slow porn" movement, placing priority in production detail during the casting and filming process. In “Twitterbating,” there is special focus on the lighting, cinematography and in particular, performer-directed composition.
We directed from the bed, calling attention to whatever we felt looked good from our viewpoint," Eliot said. "It makes filming slower, but it gives me the footage I need to create what is, I hope, the most truthful version of how all three of us relate to each other." The emphasis is on reflecting the performers' moods and experiences.
"We spent about five hours filming for 21 minutes of footage, but watching the film now feels like how I remember the shoot. We just allowed the process to take as much time as it needed," Eliot said in an interview on
Released in time for Feminist Porn Awards nomination and 2015 film festival line-ups, PinkLabel says that “Twitterbating” made a strong first impression for the emerging company, now in production for its second release. "It's a brand new venture for me and I'm really excited to explore what can be done with the medium," added Eliot.
To check out "Twitterbating" on, click here.