CHATSWORTH, Calif. — The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) is inviting members of the adult performer community to “Transitioning to Non-Sex Work, a question-and-answer panel to be held on Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. P.T during the first half of the regularly scheduled APAC meeting.
APAC organizers said the panel would include three presenters who will provide sex-positive information and guidance for transitioning to non-sex work.
The talk is part of a series of monthly events planned by APAC to foster community and growth amongst performers.
Last October, the group hosted “Navigating Personal Relationships in Porn,” a panel that covered "how to integrate friend, family, and romantic relationships into your life as an adult performer."
APAC noted that its mission is to support the safety, happiness, and well-being of individual performers, and our community.
To receive information about the meeting’s location, email