Titles offered from JapanAnime include “After Class Lessons 1-3” directed by Masato Kitagawa, “Desperate Carnal Housewives 1-2,” “Mistreated Bride 1-2” directed by Tsuzuru Miyabi, “Slutty Princess Diaries 1-3” and “Taboo Charming Mother 1-5” directed by Kan Fukimoto.
JapanAnime’s titles are available through Entice.TV’s subscription video-on-demand channel, or through the JapanAnime video store channel for purchasing individual titles.
“We’re pleased to be able to offer some of the best XXX animated titles available from JapanAnime,” Entice.TV President Susan Keil said. “These titles will round out the impressive selection of high-definition and standard definition titles we offer to the consumers and give them more adult entertainment options than cable or satellite.”
Entice.TV is a complete IPTV system delivered over broadband that does not require the use of a set-top box. Through the Entice.TV Player, a user-friendly TV-style interface, full-screen standard and high-definition video-on-demand downloads are delivered over the Internet to a user’s PC. The user can then view the movie on a PC or television. In addition, Entice.TV delivers the videos as progressive downloads, allowing the user to begin watching within minutes of ordering.
Entice.TV has more than 5,000 adult titles available to rent or buy, and 100-plus studio-branded subscription VOD channels from numerous studios in many niches.