UPDATE (11:52 a.m.) — The bill was put "on call" by present members of the state Appropriations Committee while the bill's author finds more votes. The panel voted for passage, 8-4, with five abstentions. Panel members may continue to vote or change their votes as long as a measure remains on call. Calls can be lifted by request at any time during the committee hearing, but cannot be carried over into the next legislative day
SACRAMENTO — This morning's hearing over AB 1576 at California's state capitol will particularly look at the costs of the proposal that would mandate condom use in all porn productions shot in the state.
The state's Assembly's Appropriation Committee, which is tasked to allocate annual funds to state government agencies, has been given a report this morning that sheds those details.
According to the report, there will be a special fund costs of up to $150,000 to the OSHA Standards Board for additional rulemaking for AB 1576. And that would only be the beginning.
"The [state] Department of Industrial Relations notes that Cal/OSHA staff can only cite for regulations — not statute — therefore the bill would require additional rulemaking that is beyond the scope of the current project," today's report to legislators read.
"According to the state Department of Industrial Relations, the division held six advisory committee meetings in the last few years to discuss the current rulemaking project on this issue. This bill addresses complex issues in medical surveillance which would require additional advisory committee time and attorney time."
This morning, the state's Assembly's Appropriation Committee will hear discussion on the bill, as well as its newly made amendments to it, from its sponsor, Assemblyman Isadore Hall.
The panel also will take a vote on it, and possibly move it along.