The FSC will join several other organizations, including The Media Institute, in recognizing freedom of expression as the foundation of democracy. TMI founded NFSW in 2005 in partnership with the National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation. Other organizations in support of NFSW include the American Bar Association, the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the National Coalition Against Censorship and the Recording Industry Association of America.
The mission of NFSW is to raise public awareness of the importance of free speech by getting civic and community groups, schools, PTAs, companies, associations, media outlets, unions, nonprofit groups, libraries, scouting and youth groups involved.
As a participant, the FSC will hold several fundraisers, and its Washington, D.C.-based lobbyist, The Raben Group, will make a visit to Capitol Hill on the FSC’s behalf for a NFSW-scheduled event.
“In troubled times more than half a century ago, President Franklin Roosevelt uttered the visionary principles that would inspire a nation and guide America through World War II and into the 21st century,” the NFSW website states. “He called them the Four Freedoms – Freedom of Speech and Expression, Freedom of Religion, Freedom From Want, and Freedom From Fear. Today, free speech defines our American way of life. It is indeed a triumph of our democracy – a freedom to be celebrated.”
The FSC also will be encouraging current members to get involved in protecting free speech with recommendations on writing letters to the editors of newspapers, requesting that local libraries set up a display commemorating the week and contacting their local civic organizations to encourage meetings on the importance of freedom of speech.