dotMobi Seeks Paid Advisors — For a Fee

DUBLIN — The operating body behind the .mobi domain extension is looking to form the Mobile Advisory Group (MAG) that will function as a consultative body to participate in discussions about the emerging technology, which includes many adult content producers going mobile.

The .mobi top-level domain name extension was created last November with the mission of establishing uniformity for the delivery of content across all mobile devices. MAG will function as an mTLD accredited, independent not-for-profit industry forum that will operate in the best interests of the global dotMobi community, its website says.

The MAG membership is open to all commercial and trade association companies in the mobile and information and communication technologies sector, which includes mobile content providers, developers, mobile operators and mobile device manufacturers or registrars.

Admission to serve on the MAG comes with a heavy price tag. To observe the process as an individual and have no input costs $374.18 per year, while associate status for companies who wish to observe runs $2,530.47. To have an active voice on the advisory board will set companies back $6,335.70 and foundation level membership — the highest position — costs $38,052.20.

“We want the the MAG to represent the diverse views of the global mobile Internet community,” Michael J. O'Farrell, chairman of the dotMobi Advisory Group, said. “We want an active membership, made up of thought leaders and people who have a stake in delivering to the needs of over 2.5 billion mobile subscribers worldwide. By working closely together with dotMobi, the MAG will make sure that all stakeholders involved have a tremendous amount of insight and influence on dotMobi policies, technology innovations and commercialization efforts, to help drive a fair and profitable mobile Internet economy.”

dotMobi’s investors include Ericsson, GSM Association, Hutchison 3, Microsoft, Nokia, Orascom Telecom, Samsung Electronics, Syniverse, T-Mobile, Telefonica Moviles, TIM and Vodafone.

Copyright owners have been able to register .mobi domains since June 12, with the doors opening to the rest of the world on Sept. 26.

“We want the MAG members to advise on, debate, demand and deliver the evolution that will make dotMobi a universal success,” CEO of dotMobi Neil Edwards said. “As we prepare for the global launch of .mobi domains, our ongoing commitment to providing the best mobile Internet experience through .mobi sites will be significantly enhanced through our collaboration efforts with the MAG and its members of the mobile Internet stakeholder communities represented.”

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