LOS ANGELES — After years of development, Adult Digital Solutions has unveiled AdultSiteCMS PRO version 1.0 to the industry via soft launch last week.
The company said this new version of AdultSiteCMS is poised to compete with the crop of professional-grade adult content management software in the current market.
While its sister software was created for beginners and intermediate adult webmasters, AdultSiteCMS Pro version 1.0 is developed for the more sophisticated and advanced webmasters but still possesses the ease and convenience of using Wordpress.
The company said that AdultsiteCMS PRO version 1.0 is a new version of AdultsiteCMS.
It has a complete set of new features that the base software doesn't possess. But it is still a Wordpress bonded CMS.
All Standard Wordpress features work with AdultsiteCMS PRO, including other Wordpress widgets, plugins and themes.
This version was hatched after working closely with a select group of customers, the company said.
"Their concerns were incorporated to the design to meet their demands without having to deal with the cumbersome programming associated in making a paysite," the company said.
AdultsiteCMS PRO version 1.0 comes with all the features of the regular AdultsiteCMS, but with significant add-ons.
Some of those features include an all-new membership management using magic members, an all-new storefront allowing users to purchase goods like DVDs or other products as well as digital downloads using WooCommerce, all-new blogging and RSS feeds compatibility, all-new message board section and more.
In the coming days, ADS will follow up with more information regarding the software and how the professional webmaster can benefit from the new software.
New tools like Magic Members and WooCommerce will be discussed in full during the next couple of days.
The software operates using CCBill.
A demo page has been created to show how the new version looks and operates.
Prices start at $199.95 for single domain and $395 for unlimited license.
For more information, email info@adultdigitalsolutions.com or visit AdultDigitalSolutions.com.