SAN FRANCISCO —There’s just something about the new camera/video/database Google Glass that makes people think about its infinite porn potential.
But it’s not just the pipe dream of horny consumers, industry players have also been eyeing the high-tech glasses for their porn-friendly technology.
"To really know their full potential, we'll need to get a pair to play around with, but we're already dreaming up ways to use the glasses to get shots (sex-related and otherwise) that just aren't feasible using a traditional camera setup," Pink Visual spokesman Q Boyer said.
Because Google Glass is worn just like a regular pair of glasses at eye level, it allows users to take videos and photos from a distinctly first-person perspective and upload them directly to the Internet. Porn shot from that vantage point, POV style, has, according to Boyer, been popular for quite some time.
“Obviously a device that allows you to shoot high-quality video in a truly hands-free fashion will make shooting POV porn that much easier,” Boyer noted.
While the product is still in development, it is one of the slated discussion points for Google’s sixth annual I/O conference that kicked off Wednesday in San Francisco.
According to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, Google Glass will probably hit the market in 2014 and costs $1,500.